

DORIAN GRAY - Andrew Horton

BASIL HALLWARD* - Edmund Sage-Green

LORD HERNRY WOTTON* - Timothy George

LADY AGATHA* - Emily Byrt

*(and multiple roles)


Ein Riesenerfolg am English Theatre: Neu-Intendant Paul Glaser feierte seinen Einstand mit der Inszenierung eines Klassikers der Weltliteratur: „The Picture Of Dorian Gray“  - MOPO 22 March 2018

"...Kein Zweifel, noch stimmiger kann man dieses Glanzstück aus der Feder Oscar Wildes nicht auf die Bühne bringen..."

"...Dieser Dorian Gray gehört zu den Sternstunden des English Theatre..." Die Auswertige Presse e.V., 21. February 2018

I had a great time directing this wonderful play. One of the challenges, however, was to portray the several different locations it’s set in, especially on a stage that doesn’t offer a lot of wing space. All characters, except for Dorian, are playing up to 8 different characters each in the play. To solve the problem of set and costume changes taking too much time, I composed a whole score for the play. Music that picked up the end of one scene, leading the audience into the next, in combination with the beautiful light design by Pia Viroleinen. Music, light, and set changes connected the scenes, as the actors changed in the back.